Sunday, February 1, 2009

January Past

The first month of 2009 has passed. One twelfth of this year of our life on earth is over. Was it a month well-lived? Was it a month of accomplishment, personal growth, enlightenment, friendship, love, fun, or whatever you had hoped it to be?

Small steps and huge strides, forward and, sometimes backward, have been taken toward each of our individual dreams. Are we any closer to who we hope to become, to how we want to live in the universe?

I ask this, of course, because I ask myself. I have been, and will continue to be more mindful of daily choices. I am more aware of what I choose to eat, how I move my body, and like most everyone, each dollar that leaves my wallet. I celebrated with friends and the world on such an amazing Inauguration Day we will remember it into our next lives. All were precious moments for which I am grateful.

A glorious, well-lived month is after all measured in gratitude of joyous days, days measured in moments of work well done, love, fun and hope.

Friends, February is a short month. Live well.


Margaret Cloud said...

Kathleen, this is well put and I am sure most of us fit into it somewhere. We all like to change things about ourselves that are not right, some of the things we can and other things we can not. I know personally I have issues that do need changed. I know that over the past year I have made a lot of blogger friends and do enjoy them very much and especially their views of many things.

Andrea said...

What a lovely, thoughtful post! I, too, enjoyed and cherished my January...and being more aware was a very big part of it. :)

Jan said...

Thanks for visiting me. My pictures certainly don't compare to yours and Andreas. Check out my snow scene today!

Anonymous said...

Your picture of the fence posts in the snow made me stop and read, and I loved what I found! My family is living in Spain for a year to re-energize, live intentionall, be grateful and celebrate our days. I'll keep reading!