Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Glorious Cedar Waxwings

When I planted a dozen Serriceberry trees a few years ago I did it with the hope of attracting Cedar Waxwings. I did see a pair feeding on the berries this time last June, but they left after a few days. Yesterday, when I looked out the dining room window to the feeder station I have in a walnut tree, I was thrilled to see a handsome pair pulling on the wool I hung out for nesting material.

Joy! Joy! Joy! Hurry! Grab the camera! Tell everyone! The waxwings are here!

I saw the lovely couple again today. This morning they returned for more wool and tonight they feasted on a dinner of ripe Serviceberries. Life is sweet. Yum...

I will not be blogging again until June 27 , but this is a good thing because I am off on an adventure to the Galapagos Islands followed by birding in the Cloud Forest of Ecuador. I leave Friday! To say I am excited is an understatement! I'm like that little kid in the Disney commercial, "I'm too excited to sleep." This is a once a lifetime vacation and I WILL be blogging about the trip starting on the 27th.

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