Every May birders from the Ralph Bell and Three Rivers Birding Clubs descend on Ralph Bell's Farm in Greene County, PA for a day of birding, learning and friendship. We walk the country road in search of numerous species. This year the count was 72 of 74 (I forget), but most of the birds were identified by song.
Honestly, we are really there to share time with Ralph. Everyone adores him! He is 94, has lived on the farm his entire life, and he loves and knows birds. He keeps Purple Martin houses, Blue Bird boxes and has given his barn to the Barn Swallows. There are birds everywhere!

Here Ralph is teaching new birders about the evils of Garlic Mustard. Notice the women taking a whiff of this invasive plant.

On our walk we crossed several creeks and streams
easily found numerous wildflowers, like this Star of Bethlehem,

and we even caught a glimpse of the elusive "Rail Bird."

After much birding and strained necks

even by a four-years old

we broke bread and shared Cheetos before banding baby Bluebirds.